Wednesday, March 2, 2011

If You're Sad Why Not Watch YouTube?

YouTube, it contains some of the funniest and most entertaining videos around, and there have been a few known to be informative. 

But I know when I'm stressed or down I find myself on YouTube. Finding the people who somehow find a way to make me smile because they are making fools of themselves.

Remi Gaillard probably has some of the funniest videos that I have seen. If you have never seen any of his videos I would check out his channel. -

Remi playing alittle Mario Kart - Saving Private Ryan Spoof

Major Slack and his channel called MajorSlackVideos is a channel geared towards gaming walk throughs. His walkthroughs a very detailed and helpful.

Adding halarious commentary to his videos, you will never be bored with a walkthrough.

He mainly deals with PC games but if the the games are multiplatform like Boaderlands, then you'll be in luck.

College Humor always makes my day. In these two videos College Humor makes their own engery drink called PowerThirst.

The videos are ridiculous and maybe a little offensive, depending on who you are, but if you are into their humor these videos will make you laugh.

We all need to relax sometimes and have a good laugh or two.

YouTube has the most diverse array of videos that you could ever find.

I use YouTube to find funny videos and laugh and these are some videos I have found over the years.


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